Welcome to Change


Welcome to Films on the Fly.

Films on the Fly, is an emerging Australian startup which wants to foster new paradigm shifts in Entertainment as well as Education and do so in an economically responsible manner.

We are doing this by championing the Multipath Interactive Storytelling concept and promoting Collaborative Communities whilst our For-Benefit principles mean we value success according to our positive impacts to humanity and the environment.

The video will help explain Multipath Storytelling, which is like those old choose-your-own-adventure storybooks, but as online video and expanded further.

We are currently concentrating on Entertainment by developing a web platform which will allow the creation of multiple collaborative communities each based around interactive storytelling.

We also do film work and are based in Adelaide, South Australia and have a presence in Sydney, New South Wales.

If you are doing innovative things then please give us a buzz.

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© 2011 Films On The Fly
Multipath : Interactive online, collaborative video