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Archive for ‘Archived’

Linkr School Postponed

The Linkr Film School Holiday workshop has been postponed at least until Easter, possibly later.
Due to the nature of the end of year holidays it has been hard to organise enough people to make it happen.

We will take this opportunity to work on the Web Platform and to enhance the next Film School

In the mean time, if you are interested in learning more about film I suggest spending some time on www.vimeo.com/videoschool

Here’s a video about composition to get you started.



Linkr #1 Spy v Spy

After giving the green liquid to a contact, the spies talk in the car, before realising their mistake.
Hint : This is a different story if you understand Cantonese 😉

This is a short film that is a (past film) which is related to the ‘Drunk and Spy’ film in the Multipath Tree #1

Check out our Multipath Explanation for more info.
Cast : Kiefer Cheung and Sunny Wu



Linkr #1 Drunk and Spy

A drunk person has an interesting encounter with an operative.
This is a short film that is a (past film) which is related to the first film in the Multipath Tree #1

Check out our Multipath Explanation for more info.

Cast : John Willanski, Kiefer Cheung, The Green Liquid
Crew : Michael Kubler, Sunny Wu, and more


Linkr #1 Drunk Friend

A drunk person is saved from having to drive home.
This is a short film that is (future) related to the first film in the Multipath Tree #1

Check out our Multipath Explanation for more info.

Cast : John Willanski, James Govan
Crew : Michael Kubler, Sunny Wu, and more



Linkr – #1 Drunk Dream

A guy falls asleep at the wheel and has a dream.
This is a short animated film that is (future) related to the first film in the Multipath Tree #1

Animator : John Willanski

Check out our Multipath Explanation for more info.


© 2011 Films On The Fly
Multipath : Interactive online, collaborative video