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PechaKucha – Multipath Slides

This is the Web version of the Films on the Fly PechaKucha Multipath slides. You can go to our previous post for access to the PDF and slideshare versions of the presentation.

Pecha Kucha Presentation on Multipath

5th Oct 2011 – By Michael Kubler



Hi! I’m Michael Kubler, the Co-Founder of Films on the Fly an Adelaide based startup which is fostering paradigm changes in entertainment and education.
I’d like to welcome you to the dawn of a new era, the era of Multipath Storytelling.
But first, a quick history of communication.

As civilisation has progressed, we have developed various forms of media. From word of mouth through to the one to many broadcasting of print, radio, TV and the like. You should all be aware of the many to many power of the Internet although some of you may not have seen the recent surge in Interactive online video.


The Multipath concept is a form of interactive video combined with collaborative communities.
Interactive Storytelling is about giving the viewer a choice over which of the multiple story paths they want to take.
Imagine those old Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Storybooks, but as online video.


Multipath enables the seed of an idea to grow into a tree of stories by allowing communities to expand upon the concept, uploading videos, photos, text and other media. Then importantly, linking that media together in meaningful ways. The core of Multipath is about the relationships between the content.



PechaKucha – Multipath

PechaKucha 20×20 is a presentation format where 20 slides are shown for 20s each and the slides automatically advance as the presenter talks.

Films on the Fly‘s co-founder, Michael Kubler recently did a PechaKucha talk on Multipath storytelling.

You can download the presentation notes in [7MB .pdf].

You can also view them on  Slide Share or get the slides as a powerpoint [7MB .ppt].


© 2011 Films On The Fly
Multipath : Interactive online, collaborative video